Gil McIff

* Transpersonal Coach

* Personal Development Coach 

* Coaching Certification Trainer  

* High Performance Coach

* Miracles Coach

* Spiritual Advisor/Coach

5000+ coaching clients in 16 countries

200+ certification students in 10 countries  

18,000+ hrs of One-on-One coaching 

Professional Contracts as Coach/Trainer/Advisor

Joe Vitale – Miracles Coach and Miracles Trainer
Brendon Burchard
– Certified High Performance Coach
Eric Worre
– Inner Game Coach, TYO Trainer (Train Your Organization)
Jessica and Ray Higdon
– Mindset, Personal Development Executive Coach
T. Harv Eker
 – Mindset and Personal Development Coach and Trainer
Kathryn Hurst
– Law of Attraction, Personal Development Trainer
Nightingale Conant
– Mindset, Personal Development, Executive Trainer
Noelle Randall
– Mindset, Personal Development Negotiations Coach
– Mindset, Personal Development, Executive Coach and Trainer

I help people get what they really want; faster and easier.

Major Influences 

How to Know the Truth 

Jesus Christ/Krishna/Buddha  –  Paramahansa Yogananda    

Eckhart Tolle  –  Rupert Spira  –  Sadhguru   

Amma Bhagavan  –  Swami Sarvapriyananda 
–  Ramana Maharshi  –  Nisargadatta 

HH Dalai Llama XIV  –  Napoleon Hill   –  Carl Jung 
Brian Tracey  –   Brendon Burchard  –  Nikola Tesla   

Max Planck  –  Niels Bohr  –  Nassim Haramein  –  
Carolyn Myss

Dan Millman  –  Joe Vitale  –  Abraham  –  Joe Dispenza     

Deepak Chopra  –  Bruce Lipton  –  Gregg Braden   

Jose Arguelles  – Drunvalo Melchizadek  –  Adyashanti